Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roughing It Through Heatless Nights, Surviving Big-Butted Divorces

the sleep bag that saved the day(s and nights)

I keep talking about all these “firsts” that I enjoy seeing my son Buck experience. Well, this past weekend we certainly had an interesting first: first winter storm that knocked out the power and heat in our house.

The early, sopping-wet snowstorm that hit the Northeast on October 30 really did a number on my street and my property. The power went out early on and we spent the rest of Saturday afternoon and night listening to trees and large limbs snapping and crashing to the ground—and through the roof of my garage, which caused a falling roof beam to leave its imprint on the hood of my Subaru. Excluding those limbs, which need to stay in place until the insurance man pays a visit, I spent all of Sunday running the chainsaw and clearing the larger limbs from my driveway and yard. But enough about me…

While it did get rather chilly in my house during the two-and-a-half heatless days, and having a lights-out at sundown was duller than watching golf on TV, Buck toughed it out like a champ—much better than my wife did, I might add. Part of the reason Buck weathered it so well is because my wife had the foresight just the week before to get Buck a toasty Merino Kids wool sleep bag.

The chilly days and nights did offer some silver linings. Both my wife and I had a great excuse to get some extra cuddling time in with Buck. I liked to crawl under my warm down comforter with him napping while perched on my chest. With the astronomical growth rate he has been maintaining, I know the days of him fitting on my chest are numbered. So, even though the pain-in-the-butt caused by the storm still looms, mostly I am thankful for those stolen moments with my baby boy. Well I’m thankful for that and for avoiding Monday’s news cycle, which I’m sure was full of news about a certain big-rumped, talentless fame whore’s divorce.

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