Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Great Thing, Not Such a Small Package

One minute I blinked my eyes and some big boy had taken the place of my little baby. I remember when my wife and I brought my son home. He weighed less than 5 pounds and could rest on my forearm; now he weighs more than triple that and sprawls longer than my torso. That little, helpless baby is gone and in his place is a big, hungry, heavy, sometimes-rowdy, always-cool little dude.

When he was born, my friends who already had kids warned me that the days of having a cute, little fragile baby would be short-lived; they suggested I do all I can to cherish this too-short window. But what new parent ever has time or energy to fully take advantage? I was overwhelmed with trying not to injure, maim, or kill my baby while learning as much as I could on how to be a good parent—and trying to find a rhythm in all of it while marching forth woefully under-rested.

That's not to say I didn't have moments with my newborn that I will never forget. Is there a better feeling in the world than laying on the couch with a little baby napping on your chest and some nice tunes playing in the background? I've tried many, many ways to try and reach that level of relaxed contentment and all have fallen well short.

Now, it is onward, upward, and outward with my big little boy (or is it little big boy?). I'm open-eyed and enthusiastic to find new levels of contentment, happiness, and pride in my growing son. Of course, I'm also a little better prepared for all of the work and responsibility that being a good parent entails. Although I do still spend a good deal of worry and energy making sure my boy is uninjured, un-maimed, and un-killed.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I need to stop f@#*ing swearing so much. If my son’s first word is the four-letter fire truck word, my wife will ensure that my a*s is grass. The thing is, I love to cuss like a sailor, truck driver, stevedore, and your mom all rolled into one vile four-letter-word-spewing beast.

Some people argue that when people swear they are exhibiting a limited vocabulary. I beg to differ. If you’re talking about having a well-rounded vocabulary, why not use all of the words to exhibit a full range of nuances? There are occasions when a well-placed cuss says more than a paragraph of bullsh@t explanation. And sometimes it’s just fun to let some F-bombs fly.

However, while it is really f@#*ing hilarious when other people’s kids swear, it’s not so funny when your three year old lets it fly at the church picnic in front of the blue-hairs. Sure, when my son was younger I thought it was a blast to cuss, curse and swear to him, but, at six months old, he’s getting older and is really taking everything in. I guess it may be time to leave some of the colorful language behind... But swearing is so much f@#*ing fun! Man, I need to cut that sh!t out. Now. Seriously.